Thoughts & Mantras (Science & Spirituality)

          Happiness ЁЯШК- is what every human being is yearning for. In such a fast pace world today, it is  really hard to have that peace of mind. But seriously happiness is not a goal. It is the result of doing what you like & what you get.

          When you do not live your life as your own person, you have an unhappy life indeed. Your unhappiness is really nothing more than a reminder that you have some work in a positive manner to be done to be happy again. To find happiness you need to be your own person, not a pretender and blind follower..

       You need to let go of your expectations of what you think life should be like and accept as it is, so that you don't unrealistically judge others and find them lacking and ungiving. You need to give up living in past. You need to learn to forgive and let go in order to move on.

Being happy is understanding and accepting yourself as you are right now.
That is the only true freedom.
This, the only time to achieve it.
You, the only person who can do it.

        To achieve happiness or Sat-Chitta-Anand ( рд╕рдд - рдЪिрдд्рдд - рдЖрдирди्рдж ) in yogic terms, you need to work on your mind and body simultaneously. 'Sat' The realization of the truth or true nature of all things. This realization happens when 'Chitta" or consciousness has been purified of the ego, bad memories, desires and all sources that deceives the mind. What follows is 'anand' happiness.

        How can sat-chitta-anand can be truly achieved ? well, its only when you liberate your mind and thoughts. You must have experienced that we have numbers of thoughts pouring down on day to day basis. Where we go wrong is focusing on every individual thought, and try to control it, but this eventually adds to more problems. Thoughts are natural and we as a human being have evolved and are different from other species because our ability to think, isn't it ?.

         Hence the simplest solution to this is, for instance just consider your thoughts as cars passing by in a messy traffic on some road. Observe this traffic by sitting roadside, relaxed & calm instead of taking control over and creating a mess out of it. Thoughts will pop up now an then, but implementing the above and practice will naturally lead to blissfulness. How this is achieved ? well we need to be mindful.

 Meditation or being mindful is, not controlling thoughts, instead be at ease with it. The below video from HEADSPACE  is really helpful.

*HEADSPACE is a wonderful app available on ios and also on android which can be downloaded for mindful moments.


           Now the point here is how long we have lived is not important, but how deep, intense and intellectual our experience are. And if we are willing to be mindful or meditate in other words, we need to have our system working fine. System is nothing but body here, if we have a well organized system (obviously in sync with our mind), then and then only will we be capable of experiencing the universe, within ourselves.

Science & Spirituality          

           I have shared below few sutras or technics of chanting mantras and meditation . I have personally experienced the same so far. I am not a master, but the sutras that i followed helped me overcome my anxiety & fear, helped me having that peace of mind. The excess amount of  work pressure, personal issues seem to made my life total mess,  

        Thus i decided to take time and invest in something meaningful, which will last forever. I started to explore and learn and practice meditation, chanting mantras and understanding mind and body basics. (honestly still learning and trying to implement the same on daily basis) 
       Although the above said is spiritual in my terms,  i can relate the same as "spirituality is the science of consciousness, involving mind, body and spirit relationship. A subject of divine faith and devotion, initially, it leads to realization of ultimate unity of all beings".  

      In short below mantras or any other mantras for instance, are vibrations which reverberates and helps us to match the positive frequency of the universe. Everything around us and within us is energy . We are made of same matter and energy as our unfathomable universe. 
          The ones who doesn't believe in spirituality are na├пve and oblivious to the concept or fact that, if ''science is a vehicle, spirituality drives it. In simple terms spirituality is knowing yourself by shading of  the bad sources such as ego, lust, selfishness etc. which makes false beliefs of your identity within yourself. Universe or energy or god, doesn't punish or shower's you with goodies, it just matches the frequency of vibrations you are on. Think good and good things happens , think bad and negativity will follow. 

           All the above is subjective and is perceived accordingly. But the fact as above said remains the same about the universe. Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, chanting powerful mantras are tools to make you sync with the positive vibrations out their already present in the universe. Thus making you exuberant and equanimous at the same time.        

       It has helped me personally to keep up balance between my thought patterns and workflow and personal life. I have written this blog, which might help and support those who really are willing to give it a try and observe themselves leading to satisfaction and happiness in their life, of course not in abundant at initial stage but by practicing daily should lead to the betterment indeed.

|| рд╢िрд╡ोрд╣рдо ||
I am Shiv

Chanting Mantras Before Meditation

               Before heading towards to achieve that peace of mind. We will first look into few things which will really kick start the process of meditation. Initially we can chant below mantras for few minutes (5-10 minutes or above), which will help you to connect yourself within and lay the foundation. Their are varieties of mantras which are beneficial in their own terms. You can chant any of the same apart from the mantras mention below. See which mantra gives you that ecstasy and continue with the same.

         Chanting a mantra is the best way to connect with the Divine or particularly your inner self ,for it contains all the energies of the universe. ‘Mantra’ is made of ‘Mana’ meaning ‘the mind’ and ‘tra’ meaning ‘to deliver’; a mantra when chanted properly understanding its meaning delivers the mind from stress, torments and provocations by the unnecessary desires. Of all the mantras given in the Vedas, Shiva mantras are said to be the most powerful, purifying or sanctifying and peace-giving mantras. When chanted, these mantras act as powerful shields against the onslaughts of negative emotions. These mantras are popular and known all over the world. Yet, one must understand its deeper and actual meanings knowing which one will be delighted within to chant more and more.

1. Moola Mantra:
|| реР рдирдоः рд╢िрд╡ाрдп ॥
॥ Om Namah Shivaya॥
Meaning: I bow to Shiva.
          In simple terms, this mantra means ‘I bow to Shiva’. However, when we explore at a deeper level, the meaning of this mantra unravels in a thought-provoking manner.
          ‘Namah’ used in middle means “I am not ego” but only Shiva. In self-realisation, it means: I am none other than Shiva. Furthermore, Namah in simple words refers to salutation or worshipping. But when you break the word Namaha into Na and Maha, it denotes “not mine”. In simple words, I am not mine. I am submissive to the Lord; I belong to the Lord (Shiva). Nothing is mine. I am in Shiva and Shiva is in me.

         Going deeper, this mystical mantra puts forth its complex composition. It is a panchaskara mantra, excluding OM, composed of five cosmic syllables: na – mah – shi – vaa – ya. These five cosmic vowels are the seed reverberations of the Five Elements of—Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. Every phenomenal material element like human body, mountains, tree etc. is made of these Five Elements. At higher stage attained by regular chanting over a period of time, when all the misgivings, sins, guilt are rooted out, the worshipper feels he is the inseparable element of Shiva, the Purest Consciousness.

2. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
॥ реР рдд्рд░्рдпрдо्рдмрдХं- рдпрдЬाрдорд╣े рд╕ुрдЧрди्рдзिं рдкुрд╖्рдЯिрд╡рд░्рдз- рдирдо्
рдЙрд░्рд╡ाрд░ु- рдХрдоिрд╡ рдмрди्рдзрдиाрди् рдоृрдд्рдпोрд░्рдоु- рдХ्рд╖ीрдп рдоाрдоृрддाрдд्॥
॥- Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormukshiya Mamritat॥
Meaning: OM. We worship the Three-eyed Lord who is scented and who nourishes and nurtures all living beings. As is the grown cucumber is freed from its bondage (the creeper), may He set us free from death for the sake of immortality.

             Rig Veda in 7.59.12 addresses Maha Mrityunjay verse to Rudra, the aggressive form of Lord Shiva. The mantra is addressed to the all-auspicious Shiva who is the winner of death; mrityunjay, ‘Mrityu’-death and ‘Jay’-victory. On worshiping Mrityunjay Mahadev one can escape from untimely miseries and troubles of this materialistic world for He, upon being worshipped with devotion, takes away your agonies. Sage Maarkandey praises Maha Mrityunjay Dev as Chandrashekharaashraye Mam Kim Karishyati Vei Yamah, "When I am in the protection of Lord Chandrasekhar (Shiva), then how Yama can the Lord of death harm me?"

           There are types of death; death of demonic tendencies and death of material body. Demonic traits include Anger, Greed, Lust, Falsity, Cheating, Bluffing, Irreligion, Envy and Harsh Speech. These traits can overthrow the man of intelligence and discrimination. One must therefore overcome these tendencies, described as the causes of devastation, in order to realize one’s own natural position or constitutional position. And what is that position? Position to serve the Supreme Shiva without whose grace, it is an insurmountable task to curb those traits. All those tendencies that stop one from reaching the lotus feet of Shiva die when He is pleased with the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.

3. Rudra Gayatri Mantra
॥реР рддрдд्рдкुрд░ुрд╖ाрдп- рд╡िрдж्рдорд╣े рдорд╣ाрджेрд╡ाрдп рдзीрдорд╣ि
рддрди्рдиो- рд░ुрдж्рд░ः рдк्рд░рдЪोрджрдпाрдд्- ॥
॥ Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat॥
Meaning: Om! I meditate on the great Purusha. O Supreme (Shiva), bestow upon me higher intellect, and let Rudra illuminate my mind.
           ‘Rudra’ means terror personified. It is one of the divine qualities of Shiva. In the Vedas, it is said that whenever the demonic or satanic forces rise, the divine forces rise to counteract the former. Rudra, the terrifying form of Shiva, is the fountainhead of those divine forces.
            The devotee in the above verses meditates on the supreme Shiva and asks for higher intellect and enlighten (illuminate) his mind. ‘Higher’ intellect is significant here. Higher intellect is different from mundane intellect which is engaged in amassing wealth, riches for sense-gratification. Higher intellect is associated with enquiries about one’s search for ultimate happiness which is above the short-lived material pleasures and pains. The ultimate happiness lies in meditating on the all-auspicious Shiva whose blessings can bring about spiritual potion and material prosperity of the highest orders.

|| рд╢िрд╡ोрд╣рдо || 
   I am Shiv    
